ZITA by Sandra Boskamp

ZITA by Sandra Boskamp


Original by Sandra Boskamp


Oil and Acrylic on Canvas

About the Artist:

Sandra Boskamp, a Dutch American artist, has found her creative home in Dripping Springs, TX, where she currently resides and works. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and her artistic journey began to flourish after she made the move to Texas in pursuit of a career in the arts. Her passion and dedication have led to numerous exhibitions at contemporary galleries, including Canvas in Austin, Kettle Gallery in Dallas, and even as far as Lune Bleue in Montmorillon, France.

As an artist specializing in the expressive medium of oil painting, Sandra artfully merges figurative elements with abstract concepts, giving life to captivating and thought-provoking pieces. Her creations offer viewers a glimpse into her unique perspective, weaving stories of emotion, identity, and the intricate connections that define the human experience.